Guest post of the week by Brittany Booker
Our neighborhood decided to set up a property owners association. In principal, it sounds like a good idea. A group of people who make sure the neighborhood looks pretty and new improvements are made. How could anyone say no to that? The neighborhood looking better helps everyone because it helps increase each home’s value. Well, while the association is nice, the e-mails have me paranoid. The association set up a group e-mail. The purpose is to allow any neighborhood news to easily be e-mailed to the entire neighborhood. The system is completely abused to complain about anything and everything. People e-mail about buckets missing, rakes missing, or any other miscellaneous thing. While I am sure it is all innocent, I keep thinking there is a robber among us and even had SECURITY CHOICE come install an alarm system. Yes, I know this is overkill for a missing rake, but honestly you never know what could happen next. I would much rather be over prepared for the worst than wish I had prepared myself more when the worst happens.
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